Cacao Chuncho vs Cacao Criollo

Cacao Chuncho is a native strain of cacao we source from Peru. It is the variety of cacao we have been sourcing since 2017 and is what our long term customers are used to receiving. Cacao Chuncho is known to be naturally higher in cocoa butter, typically requiring less sweetener. While taste is subjective, our Founder Makenzie finds Cacao Chuncho to be light, somewhat floral and deliciously creamy. It is loved by our customers worldwide and we are truly passionate about this variety of cacao.


Cacao Criollo is a native strain of cacao we source from Guatemala. Our non profit was originally founded with this strain of cacao, however it is not until recently that our farmer contact in the jungle of Guatemala could source true criollo in higher quantities with integrity. As of August 2022, we are proud of be able to relaunch this variety of cacao as a part of our KAKAO product offerings. While taste is subjective, our Founder Makenzie finds this strain to be a deeper, rich chocolate experience.